
Acne Scars Treatment

Severe acne sometimes leaves scars on the skin, which are small uneven areas looking like craters. These signs can be treated very difficultly and treatment can be very expensive. The most popular methods of removing acne scars are described below.
Skin Abrasion
Through this procedure the superficial layer of the skin is removed using a rotary brush or a cutter coated with diamond. Thus, lesions produced by acne become less obvious. In order to obtain a satisfying result, more treatment sessions can be necessary. This operation is performed in general by a dermatologist or an aesthetic surgeon and it is less popular lately because of the risks it supposes (diseases transmissible through contact with infected blood).
Micro Skin Abrasion
This is a newer technique, which has a similar effect to the traditional skin abrasion, but it is less radical. While skin abrasion is a surgery procedure, micro skin surgery is performed by exfoliating the superficial cells layer with the aid of a fascicle under pressure, with some micro crystals, which are then aspired through vacuum. A lot of dermatologists offer this treatment version.
Skin Re-Finishing with the Aid of Laser
Laser is used to burn the superficial tegument layer. This procedure is known as the name of the devices used for its performance, including Smooth Beam. You can benefit from this treatment in the cabinets of more dermatologists or aesthetic surgeons.
Scar Cut
This method is used if there is a big scar. The area is covered with a skin graft, having a similar texture, taken from other areas, which are less visible.
Chemical Peelings (Acid Peelings)
On the skin, it is applied a certain acid type, more often glycolic or lactic, or salicylic which destroys the layer of dead cells and allows the occurrence of a new skin layer, finer and healthier. Even if the name does not sound that agreeable, superficial peelings are not painful and they don’t require any anesthesia. The treatment sessions are performed in general more times in a few weeks or months. This procedure, unlike others, can be beneficial as well for active acne. The operation can be performed by the dermatologist and by the cosmetician as well, even if in a dermatologist’s cabinet the concentrations used are higher, therefore more efficient. Deep peelings are more aggressive and can be performed only by professionals.
It is used a special needle which penetrates under the skin and thus a blood wave penetrates under the scar and the skin rises, reaching the rest of the tegument level. This procedure requires the expertise of a plastic surgeon or a dermatologist’s.
Filling Skin Tissue
The scar is filled with a gelatin like substance, which has to correct the relief. In general, it is used the same substance as the one for wrinkles filling.
None of these procedures guarantees perfection and most of the times they must be combined in order to get the results you are expecting and to get back again your smooth and delicate skin.