
Acne Rosacea Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Rosacea acne is a skin disease characterized by redness, pimples and the presence of some red lines or rash at the level of the nose, cheek bones, chin and forehead. It is also called adult acne because it produces some lesions which look like pimples. Rosacea acne can cause burnings and increased sensitivity at the level of the eyes and eye lids.
The cause of rosacea occurrence is unknown. A theory sustains the role of increased reactivity of blood vessels, of inflammation and infection when rosacea occurs. As rosacea acne determines local heat, bacteria find a suitable environment for growth and breeding leading to nodules and pimples occurrence. Small parasites which usually live on the skin breed excessively having thus an important role in rosacea occurrence.
Rosacea occurrence is provoked by some triggers which dilate blood vessels at the level of the face, causing redness. The most frequent triggers, therefore causing factors, are the sun, physical effort, heat, emotional stress, spicy foods, alcohol and hot baths.

Most of the people who develop rosacea have a family history related to this affection. It appears that there is a connection between rosacea and bacteria Helicobacter Pylori which determines the infection of digestive tract. But it is not clear, though, if the treatment of the infection with Helicobacter Pylori leads to rosacea alleviation.
Rosacea acne is not caused by alcohol or precarious hygiene, as it was believed in the past. However alcohol is a factor which can trigger the disease and can aggravate the symptoms.
Before rosacea symptoms occurrence, you can notice that the sensitivity of your skin is increased. Besides, some cosmetic products can determine allergic reactions similar to burnings.
When rosacea occurs, you can notice a persistent redness similar to solar burnings at the level of the cheek bones. The main symptoms are:
- Redness at the level of the face. Triggering factors, like sun exposure or alcohol consumption dilate the vessels at the face level leading to redness occurrence. In the case of women it appears at the level of cheek bones, nose, chin and forehead or having a butterfly shape at the level of the cheek bones and nose. In the case of men, redness appears typically at the level of the nose, but other areas of the face can be affected as well. In some cases, the redness develops at the level of the neck or neck line.
Patients who suffer from rosacea can follow some easy steps treating it at home, alleviating symptoms and preventing aggravation:
- Skin care: you will use only soap, lotions and cosmetic products for sensitive skin, which do not contain alcohol, which are not abrasive and which do not close pores. You will avoid skin rubbing. Cosmetic products whose color is green help to mask facial redness. You can go as well to specialized cosmetic salons.
- You can use photo protector creams: they represent an important part of the treatment of rosacea, protecting face skin against sun exposure. You can use photo protector creams with large spectrum – which can block UVA, UVB and infra red rays – and solar protection factor higher than 15. It can be usually difficult to find a cream which can be suitable for the sensitive skin of people suffering from rosacea, but it is very important for skin protection.