
Adverse Effects - Skin-Peeling Treatment

Each season brings changes to our skin. Therefore, we must consider skin-peeling treatment and we must as well be aware of its adverse effects. Skin peeling treatment is a habitual method of skin cleaning but it can also develop adverse effects.
Skin-peeling treatment is recommended in the case of wrinkles, facial spots, or unwanted pigmentation at the level of neck, hands, or body. You can also benefit from this particular skin peeling treatment in case of other issues like vulgar and pinky acne seborrehic hyperplasia especially around the cheeks and in case of superficial scars. Physical skin peeling treatment can be performed in two ways:
  • Mechanically – with the help of different hardness levels granules, jojoba, and siliceous crystals, or olive kernel granules, coffee, almond granules for a resistant skin type. The abrasion of the derma is another mechanical skin peeling treatment method.
  • Photolitic – that is performed using CO2 laser
  • Chemical skin peeling treatment is divided into subclasses depending on the exfoliating agent
o    Phyto-peeling means a combination of sweet water algae (efydata fluviatis, spongilla lacustris, and spongilla fragilis) with chemical agent (10% glycolic acid). Therefore, what we are talking about is a double action skin peeling: mechanical and chemical. In addition, we must emphasize the fact that the tissue is completely healed during the exfoliation, without adverse effects, obtaining a normal color and not being reddish anymore, like the case with the simple chemical peeling. Another clue is regeneration time, which in this case is shorter due to the special regeneration properties of the plants themselves.

    • TCA (10-35%) has been used for many years and is safe for patients when that particular concentration is used. When using higher concentration levels, TCA tends to produce scars because the depth of the action of it is hard to control.   Besides, another skin peeling substance is a combination between salicylic acid (14%), lactic acid (14%), in alcohol. It is easy to apply and you can easily neutralize it with water.
Side effects or adverse reactions, which can appear after the peeling, are rare after the medium peeling and they almost never happen when superficial peeling is preceded. Such adverse effects can be:
  • Pigment modifications, which can be avoided applying UV protection creams.
This situation is avoided by extending the peeling down to under the chin and on the neck and differentially for the other areas.
  • Purulence state, but this is temporary