
Acne Necrotica 

Acne necrotica is a skin condition, which affects those surfaces of the skin where the big sebaceous glands are located, including nose, forehead, chin, cheeks, and back. You can recognize acne by overcharged pores and dermal lesions known as pimples.
Medical treatment recommended by the dermatologists usually consists of antibiotics orally administered depending on the type of the acne, if it is light, moderate, or severe. The most common antibiotic is Tetracycline. For the people who suffer from severe acne, which does not respond to antibiotics treatment, specialists also recommend a retinoid. This substance reduces the oil levels in the skin. Sometimes, birth control pills are useful medication in treating the acne necrotica.

From the nutritional point of view, experts have proved that certain liquids and food components make the symptoms of the acne worse. Therefore, the persons who have this condition must avoid eating ingredients, which lead to aggravation of the acne like refined sugar, animal fat, and food additives. Similarly, there also are beneficial substances, supplemented by the food.
Clinical studies indicate that zinc can be efficient mineral in treating inflammations caused by the acne. Generally, significant results are visible only after administering zinc for sixty days... Nevertheless, a universal recommended doze is not available yet due to the differences in preparation of the zinc products and treatments.
A group of Greek researchers led a study showing that persons, who do not respond to retinoid treatment or have allergic reactions, can handle the treatment better if associated with this product.
There are a series of plants, which have anti-inflammatory properties, and considered very useful help against acne necrotica “All-saints’-wart” and linseed oil or linen seeds and chamomile. They have anti bacterial properties capable of eliminating the bacteria which causes the acne thus to reduce the inflammation of the skin. Many studies revealed that green tea tree extracts have this kind of effect and considerably reduces acne after three months of intensive treatment.
Homoeopath Treatment
There are studies stating the efficient results with the help of homoeopathic treatment of the acne. This way, homoeopath doctors can recommend one or more treatments for the acne by taking into consideration the constitution of each patient, physical and emotional as well as intellectual characteristics of the patient