
Benefits of Yoga

We live in a space and in a time where and when everything moves so fast. Sometimes we wonder why. Why we don’t have time to think and to do what we want. Everything is so standardized that we sometimes wonder if there is any creative mind left in this universe. We sometimes want a key, in order to get out of this limited world. Yoga can be this key, a way to open your mind, to get over physical and conceptual limits.
However, yoga is not a magic mat offered you by friendly genii, for flying between stars. Yoga means union: the union of your mind with your body, the union of movement and breathing, of the thought and of the action, of the wish and of the intention.
You can associate yoga with a tree with multiple branches, as its techniques, impossible to be listed completely, may take into account different inclinations and aptitudes of different people.
One of the most beneficial types of yoga is Hatha yoga, which is preferred by people from the West of Europe, because it has a pragmatic approach. You work your body to change your way of thinking, a process through which your body changes too, becoming full of energy, more balanced, able to offer you more than you require from it. Is losing weight what you want? Or do you want more energy? Do you want to get rid of pains in your back, of tense shoulders? You will find yourself calmer, more focused and determined, with an enormous supply of physical and mental energy, enthusiasm and good mood!

Besides stress will not be a problem for you anymore, as well as any negative feelings as jealousy or hatred. You will be like a clean and pure channel, through which cosmic energy will flow without any obstacles.
You won’t be angry anymore when your friend has bought a nice dress or when your boyfriend was five minutes late for a date. You will learn how to master your five senses and even to activate your sixth sense.
Imagine an ideal you, a wiser one, dynamic and lively, generous and positive thinking, with a little patience and the will to change yourself through yoga.