
Thick Peeling Skin

Facial peeling is a way to make your thick skin look younger and it refers to the application of a chemical substance, which cleans the dead cells of the thick skin and stimulates the cellular regeneration. Thick skin peeling removes imperfections like wrinkles, spots produced by the sun radiation and problems caused by acne. Thick skin peeling can be performed with the aid of laser as well.
 Superficial thick skin peeling is easier and it can be used to treat all types of skin. It is used to improve the aspect of thick skin pigments and of scars caused by acnes. The solution used for thick skin peeling contains a diluted acid (usually AHA-alpha hydroxide acid).Sometimes, for thick skin peeling, carbonic snow can be used. It takes between 2-7 minutes, after that water is used to neutralize the solution and to remove it from the skin.
 Skin problems do not need a lot of time to re-appear. Within the next hours after the treatment, even a little red spot is visible. Therefore, the number of thick skin peeling sessions must be minimum 4 for a complete action upon your skin.
  If you control thick skin peeling every 3 – 7 days, you can get better results. This method is more efficient in the case of scars produced by acne and spots.
  Deep thick skin peeling has extraordinary results and it can be performed only by professionals. How does it work?
After getting ready for 3 weeks by a daily application of creams with C vitamin and fruit acid, the doctor applies a solution based on salicylic acid. During the next week, the thick skin starts peeling and after the 4 sessions, it looks fresh.
Immediately after the peeling treatment, the thick skin color changes into red. In the case of sun exposure, you must use a sun protection cream. After the 4 sessions, you can see the difference. There are finer wrinkles, the spots disappear, and the aspect of your thick skin is new.
  In the case of superficial thick skin peeling, the patient feels some fornication, but it can restart the habitual activities in the next hour after the thick skin peeling. After such peeling, you can feel hot and stay at home for 48 hours. The deep peeling needs a local anesthesia, and your thick skin regenerates after 10 days of isolation.
 If you are younger than 40, our recommendation is the superficial thick skin peeling. You can do this kind of peeling especially if you are a smoker, and if your skin looks a little tired.